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I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


I am court ordered to let my children go see their father, but my son keeps coming back, telling me very concerning things. He said that when he confronted his father about him, seeing his father abuse me and me defend myself, him showing up to my jobs and making me loose them, that he yelled at him lied about it, and pushed him against the wall, my son is nine years old, and his father is 6 foot one and almost 40. I don’t want them to HAVE to go over there. They love their father, like all children, but I don’t think it’s good ever Saturday after a situation like this. I have full custody, but this visitation stipulation is problematic. Please pray that the stipulation is dropped so they can choose to go or not go, or when I feel they are not safe, I can keep them home until I confirm it is safe. The judge has not let me tell her any time we’ve gone what he’s done and why I’m concerned even when I filed the motion, I want to report it but don’t want to make things worse for my kids either. Please pray.

Received: December 1, 2024