Pray with us

Pray with us

Submit your prayer request

We believe prayer changes things, and we want to pray for you! Submit your prayer request below, and our church family will join you in praying and believing for miracles!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


I ask for prayer as I feel like I am being tested.Give me the strength to let go and let God! I am extremely irritable lately and wanting to question God.. which I know I should not do.. Why? Why am I getting the reaction/ response from people that I am? Who did I do wrong or what did I do wrong? Why can’t my family come together? I ask for prayer for them and strength for me as I know it’s not all on me to fix everything and everyone/ everything is not for me. I pray that he continues to favor me and cover me in his blood. Bless every individual on this earth as well. Amen

Received: November 25, 2024