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We believe prayer changes things, and we want to pray for you! Submit your prayer request below, and our church family will join you in praying and believing for miracles!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.

Stephanie White

Hi everyone, I ask that you pray for me hard. As some of you may know that my husband and I have been trying to conceive since Jan of this year. We tried fertility medication and each month no positive test. I never had my tubes checked to see if they were blocked until yesterday. I am devestaged after all the ob appointments and everyone telling me my tubes could not be blocked BOTH tubes are blocked and I saw it on the Xray with the dye nothing was flowing like normal and didn't reach my tubes. I am asking the Lord to heal me. We do not have money for IVF, we have no family support and insurance does not cover much for fertility. I feel alone, lost and I am starting to get depressed.

Our daughter passed away when I was 27 weeks. We really want another baby girl never to replace her as she is in Heaven and always a part of our family. It's a void in our life where we want a natural baby girl in hopes she can have some of her features and with the news my tubes are blocked our chances to conceive naturally I was told is like none. Please pray for a miracle for myself. If any one of you have dealt with blocked tubes and miracle pregnancies before please let me know. Please add a message some how in here with your email and I will respond to you. I feel like heart is broken. I have good eggs, but blocked tubes. Also, pray for us finally that we have an over flow of money as I was forced to resign from my job when I told them about my brain tumor. Please pray for that also. The tumor is safe for Pregancy but when I needed days off for testing and told my boss who name is Tamiko, she asked me to email her a resignation letter and told me she was hiring someone in my replacement. She would not work with my schedule or make me part time for a while she broke my heart as well and wouldn't even allow me to take off with an unpaid schedule. With all of this we are praying I can finally focus on my body and myself and find the money so I can get into the beauty services so I can be my own boss but I need the money for my training which ranges between $3500-$4500. SO many prayers if you can take the time to pray over my body and all of this. God bless you! Stephanie

Received: July 25, 2024