Pray with us

Pray with us

Submit your prayer request

We believe prayer changes things, and we want to pray for you! Submit your prayer request below, and our church family will join you in praying and believing for miracles!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Praise Report! Thank You all for your prayers. Gods Word says when two or more gather in his name and pray He who sits High will hear their prayers. My son was thanking me, I said no don’t thank me thank God! He was behind the scenes moving pieces and making a way. All I did was submit the paperwork and pray! I could cry with joy of my Lord. My son was able to get into the dorms and not only that he kept the same room he requested. This how our God works. Tuition is paid up for the semester. Please continue to pray for William! Call him out by name to the Lord, that our God will continue to cover him during this semester and that he will walk in the purpose and plans of God. Thank you Jesus!!!

Received: July 24, 2024