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We believe prayer changes things, and we want to pray for you! Submit your prayer request below, and our church family will join you in praying and believing for miracles!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.

Bless Anonymous

Elder/fervent prayers of faith requested, please: Please pray for love, freedom and complete physical healing. Pray for strongholds broken, mountains moved, prison walls torn down, and great breakthrough. Pray God come quickly to heal and dry up the bleeding (I am like the woman with the issue of blood), set free from the oppression of sickness and provide for the desire of my heart (a good and godly husband). Pray God end this suffering, calm and remove the rage and frustration surrounding it, set me free and heal me, and reconcile me to Himself so I can be who He created me to be in Jesus name. Pray for powerful prayers of faith about these things and that God's will be done in my heart, my body and my life and that God be blessed, praised and glorified.

Received: July 1, 2024