Submit your prayer request
We believe prayer changes things, and we want to pray for you! Submit your prayer request below, and our church family will join you in praying and believing for miracles!
Stephanie White
Hello everyone- Me and baby have made it to 35 weeks today. I am continuing to ask you all to pray for us as our induction date is approaching very soon.
I am binding up all:
1.Miscarriage, Still born or Still birth- we lost our daughter at 27 weeks pregnant and she was considered still born.
2.Binding all bleeding, spotting or anything else.
3.Binding up pre-term labor, water breaking, high blood sugars as I am dealing with diabetes during Pregancy, binding up blood clots because I have that condition.
4.Binding up the umbilical cord t. wrapped around any part of baby body.
5.Binding up baby having any hear problems or anything else.
6. Binding up all infections, illness and sickness
7. Binding up all iching I am having on my legs, arms, neck, back- I think it's because I was cleaning baby bassinet and forgot to wear gloves and the detergent got on my skin and after that I have been icing and It has not stopped.
8. Bind up any issues with baby while monitoring
We thank you for:
1.My Pregancy to remain healthy
2.No problems or complications
3.We will make it to my induction date with no issues
4.You for blessing my doctors, nurses and everyone I deal with
5.Praying all my monitoring Apts go perfect- I have 4 left two this week and two next week
6. A safe and healthy c-section and baby will come home when we are discharged
I pray for financial blessing and we get everything needed for baby as we have no family or friends in the state we are in and I am not working so it's been super hard. I haven't seen my mom since 2021 and didn't see her when we lost our daughter so I am also binding up all anxiety.
We thank you Lord for your healing over me and baby- Thank you for keeping us safe as I start a new week.
Thank you all for your prayers and who have been praying with me this entire time I have been pregnant. Sending hugs, love and prayers to you as well 🙂
Steph and Kyler and baby K