Submit your prayer request
We believe prayer changes things, and we want to pray for you! Submit your prayer request below, and our church family will join you in praying and believing for miracles!
No changes yet no prayers answered I’m staying hopeful even tho it’s hard to stay positive and hopeful
Praying for peace and understanding praying for clarity
Praying for healing
Praying that God show up and move in my life …. Praying to remove all doubt when praying , for it always seem the things I do pray for never get answered it always the opposite of what I pray for.. I’m trying my best to stay positive and not give up, to have faith at least mustard seed faith
Praying that God move in a way that I know it’s him and not the enemy
Please pray for me
I pray for ever single person that have submitted a prayer request
I pray all your needs wants and desires are met!
In the name of Jesus …. Amen