We have been spending a great deal of time praying, processing and making preparations for operating our locations safely because we care deeply about your health and safety. We have studied the guidelines and best practices for gathering in a safe way. All campuses have resumed on-site services and our Indianapolis campus is now meeting on-site in a new building. Details on service times and locations are found at peoples.church/times. Because your safety is a top priority to us, all of our Sunday services have been redesigned to provide a sanitary and touch-free experience that will allow us to connect and worship together while providing physical distancing. All services are also available to join online.

PC Kids In-Person Plan
We are so excited that PC Kids is now open at all People’s Church campuses. We have been working hard to prepare for your child to be back at church and cannot wait to see them!
We have redesigned the PC Kids experience with your child’s safety in mind. We will have a low-touch, high sanitization environment that is clean, safe, and FUN!! Here is what you can expect when you bring your child to PC Kids:
Drop off and pick up will be limited to one parent per household to reduce traffic in the kids’ area.
- Everyone entering the PC Kids area will undergo a brief health screening, including temperature check and answering a few health-related questions, before proceeding to check-in.
- Anyone with a 100.4 degree temperature or higher, or showing symptoms of sickness will be asked to worship with us online.
- No outside toys, food, or items are allowed inside the classroom, with the exception of diapers and bottles.
- Enhanced cleaning procedures throughout all PC Kids areas have been implemented. All kids’ areas and toys will be disinfected between each service to ensure the safest environment possible for your family.
- All PC Kids Dream Team members will wear masks while serving.
- Masks are available for children, but not required. (Due to a mask mandate in the State of Indiana that requires kids in Kindergarten to 5th grade to wear a mask, our Indy Campus will comply with this mandate).
- Our environments and classrooms will be led by our amazing Dream Team who are well trained with our new safety guidelines.
- Your child will have a blast as we learn about Jesus together!
For more information about service times and all the things we are doing to keep your family safe, please visit peoples.church/onsite. We will also continue to offer PC Kids Online. You can check it out at peoples.church/pckids.
Epic Youth In-Person Plan
EPIC YOUTH Services have begun on-site at all of our campuses every Wednesday night. If you feel more comfortable with your students being online we will still offer an online option on our Epic YouTube Channel (All Campuses)
What can we share with our students about the heart of how PEOPLE’S CHURCH and EPIC YOUTH are moving forward into all that God has for us in this new season?
The church was created for seasons & times like this! Since the beginning of time, Christ-followers & the church has moved forward in times of adversity. Our heart & mission is the same as it has always been; to lead students into an authentic, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. In this season of COVID-19, we are still moving forward as the church! God’s heart is for His Kingdom to advance through this, and as a youth ministry, our heart is the same. This fall as we relaunch; we plan on keeping the main thing the main thing. Everything we do is about Jesus & making His name known! While we may have new sanitation guidelines, social distancing & service flow, the culture, mission & heart of EPIC YOUTH is stronger than it has ever been. We are moving forward into this next season full of faith, expectation, and mission to see MORE CHANGED LIVES!
Here are some additional steps we are taking to keep our EPIC YOUTH environments safe for our students.
- Everyone entering the EPIC YOUTH area will undergo a brief health screening, including a temperature check, answering several health-related questions, and hand sanitization before proceeding to check-in.
- Anyone with a 100.4-degree temperature or higher or showing symptoms of sickness will be asked to worship with us online.
- EPIC YOUTH will be a low touch and high sanitized experience with enhanced cleaning throughout all EPIC YOUTH areas. EPIC YOUTH will be disinfected before Wednesday to ensure the safest environment possible for your students.
- We will be physically distancing in the lobby and auditorium before, during, and after service.
- No water fountains will be open or usable.
- Masks for students are recommended and available but not required.
- All EPIC YOUTH Dream Team members will wear masks during the entirety of their serve.
Connect with Epic Online:
- Epic YouTube Channel (All Campuses)
- OKC Campus Instagram @epic_okc
- Northwest Campus Instagram @nwepic
- MWC Campus Instagram @mwcepic
- Indy Campus Instagram @epicstudentsindy
People’s Church Online
We’ve been grateful for the ability to worship together at People’s Church online, and we encourage you to continue to attend online if you or a family member doesn’t feel well, or if you’re just not ready to attend church at a physical location. You are part of the People’s Church family no matter where you choose to attend!
People’s Church online is also a great option if you want to invite a friend to join you! Every Sunday you can join us at 9am, 10:30am or 12pm CST at peoples.church/live to experience worship, the message and the community of your church family through live chat and prayer. You can also find online community on Facebook Live and YouTube Live. We’re so thankful you’re a part of our People’s Church family!
Because the safety and well-being of our church family is our highest priority, our Sunday services have been redesigned to provide a sanitary and touch-free experience that will allow us to connect and worship together while providing physical distancing. There are a number of ways we are making this possible.
What We Are Doing:
- No paper bulletins provided.
- Additional hand sanitizing stations will be placed throughout the building.
- All People’s Church services will be a touchless experience and all high traffic areas will be thoroughly sanitized between services.
- PC Kids will begin September 13.
- No water fountains will be open or usable.
- No hospitality food or beverages will be offered.
- No offering buckets will be passed. The easiest way to stay faithful to the Lord in your giving is to use the safe and secure People’s Church app or the People’s Church website. Or, use text-to-give by texting “peopleschurchonline” to 77977. You can also give on-site by dropping your tithe and offerings into the black boxes located inside of the auditorium on the wall next to the entrance and exit doors.
- All seatback materials, papers and pens will be removed.
- No in-person prayer team; we will provide prayer opportunities via text or email.
- Every chair will be sanitized prior to and between each worship service in accordance with CDC guidelines.
How You Can Help:
- If you don’t feel well, please stay home and join us at People’s Church online.
- We encourage you to wear a mask and will have one available for you if needed.
- Please wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often.
- Maintain a distance of six feet between yourself and other guests.
- We encourage those who are most vulnerable to worship with us online.
- If you have had any of the following symptoms this week, please worship with us online:
- Fever Over 100
- Cough or Sore Throat
- Shortness of Breath
- Contact with anyone confirmed to have COVID-19 (in the past 14 days)
Gifts to People’s Church are making a major impact locally and globally. So far, this is what you’ve made possible:
- Over 380 people have let us know they said “yes” to Jesus since March 22, 2020 through one of our online services.
- Provided over 1,000 families with more than 35,000 pounds of groceries and necessities through our food distribution outreach in partnership with Convoy of Hope and Regional Food Bank.
- Provided face masks for school employees in Indianapolis so they could continue providing meals for students and their families each week.
- Blessed 200 single moms with the opportunity to receive a free dinner for their families on Mother’s Day weekend.
- Packed 837 boxes of food so that 2,500 students could receive weekly food boxes through the end of the school year in the OKC Metro area.
- Every week, you continue to provide groceries for families who have been impacted in a significant way by this pandemic.
- Paid 2 1/2 months of the mortgage for a Spanish speaking church in Indianapolis so they can keep preaching Jesus to those who need hope and healing.
- In partnership with the LA Dream Center, you helped feed thousands of kids who were no longer receiving meals at school, and many more who need food during this time.
- Fed thousands of people through our partnership with a local food pantry in Indianapolis. You also provided 338 boxes of food to families.
- Supporting missionaries all around the world.
- Helping to start and support new churches around the USA during the pandemic.
Family, we’re just getting started! You can join what God is doing by giving any time in the People’s Church app or on our website. It’s all about more changed lives!
We understand how hard this season has been and we’re praying for God’s guidance and wisdom in all the choices you face in the weeks ahead.
Sunday service times for each campus are below. We can’t wait to see your face in the place!
Midwest City: 9:30AM | 11AM | 12:30PM CST
Northwest OKC: 10AM | 11:30AM CST
Indianapolis: 9:30AM | 11AM | 12:30PM EST